So glad you took time out of your day to visit with me and my happenings!

Don't forget to feed the fish below before you start looking & reading!!
Just move your mouse and or click to see what happens.
Have fun!!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Black & White Vs. Color

One evening I went out in the back yard. I started experimenting with Black & white. Then I took photos of the same subject matter, both in color and in black & white. It was fun to see the difference.
Same subject matter but more drama with black & white.
Which ones do you like best??

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Beautiful Photos with Backgrounds.......

I just put together some of my favorite photos and added backgrounds. Just something fun for me to do and share with you!! Enjoy!!
(If you want to see any of the photos larger, just click the photo.
Click back or backspace to see regular viewing.)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Dragon's Game.....

Last month we got to go to a Dragon's game thanks to my daughter. She won tickets from her school for reading the most books. She's a BIG reader and it paid off!!

Even Charlie Brown came a long.

Lots of fun entertainment between innings!!

We tried to catch a t-shirt.......no luck. Yes that's a t-shirt coming out of that gun like thing. It's CRAZY!! They shoot them into the air and folks catch them. Maybe we'll get one next time.

We were not sure if it would rain...... It ended up being a bit drizzly but it was a fun time over all. My daughter was excited because she got a new poncho.

Game's over. Dragons won!! Yeah Dragons!!

Now it's home and to bed!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Visitor in the garden......

Someone came to visit us in the garden tonight...

He or she moved all around. We gave chase just to get a good shot. I had my husband and daughters help.

Here it is, over here......

No, over here....

Finally a good shot!
Quick, Zoom in......

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Grandma & Grandpas Gardens..........

Last week we visited grandma & grandpa. We had Chinese food and a nice visit.
My mom LOVES plants/flowers as you can see. It was a beautiful sunny day. I had to bring my camera......and of course Myra came along too.
Grandpa made himself scarce and busy.

Grandma has lots of garden statues to look at.

We sat in the gazebo. Grandma had to give Julian a snack/ice cream sandwich. It was gone real fast, then he needed wiped off. Thanks grandma!

Even Myra enjoyed the gazebo!

Who is walking who????

Time to feed the fish. They sure were hungry!

Lots of clematis.......

Another statue.......

Bye...see you again soon!