So glad you took time out of your day to visit with me and my happenings!

Don't forget to feed the fish below before you start looking & reading!!
Just move your mouse and or click to see what happens.
Have fun!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Full Moon.........

Back in March, we saw this moon outside. I had just gotten a new camera in December and could not wait to see what I could capture. My husband and I were freezing outside, it was about 10:30 at night, and I had the camera all hooked up to the tripod. I tried a variety of settings and here are a few of the shots I got.
Don't forget....you can click the photos to enlarge them. When your ready to go back just hit the back arrow (I think they look better enlarged).

I could never get the real detail I wanted. If I went too far one direction with light and or shutter speed something would not work.
Well........Maybe next time......... practice makes perfect.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

SOMEONE got into blueberries......

A month or so ago..........I came downstairs to discover THIS!!!

First I found this.............

Then I saw this...............

I am not sure if he ate them or put a mask on his face with them.
Looks guilty to me!! Look at that MUG SHOT!!

Someone must have forgotten to lock the fridge. AGAIN!!!
Should I charge Charlie Brown with aiding and abetting??
It took a bit of wrestling and scrubbing but before long he was as good as new!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Gone Fishin.............

I forgot I had these photos. I was going through my memory card last week. My family and I went fishing back in May to a favorite spot North of where we live. It was REALLY hot this day but in spite of the heat we had fun...........well until my daughter turned all white and said "mommy, I feel sick and hot". She had to lay down in the van and then we left. She's was okay, but I think she just got a bit too hot.These are photos of the excitement pre-almost passing out.

My son had a good time and enjoyed an occasional "reeling in". Other times he was here and there. I have to keep my eye on him ALWAYS!!

This is a giant carp that we ALMOST caught. Two times it put our small bobber in it's mouth.
It was pretty big........kind of glad we did not catch it.

When the weather cool off around here maybe we'll go again.
LOVE this last photo!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My sick guy..........

I have a sick little guy........
Grandma and grandpa came last eve. to babysit for him and big sister. He gave them a run for their money. I don't think he was feeling too well then. He would NOT got to bed. He's doing better right now thank goodness.
I got some herbs in him via applesauce. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH good old applesauce. Does the trick every time and hides that yucky tasting stuff.
My kids like to rest and watch movies when they are sick. Everything around our house is broken right now, including two VCR's. So my daughter and I rigged up the portable DVD player and cordless headphones.

Herbs have kicked in and the movie has been great (and QUIET!!) He's doing better now and has just eaten a granola bar. Hopefully we are over the hump and this will be a short illness!!