So glad you took time out of your day to visit with me and my happenings!

Don't forget to feed the fish below before you start looking & reading!!
Just move your mouse and or click to see what happens.
Have fun!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


A month or more ago, my husband and I were on our way home from a busy day. We are not normally driving in this area (North of our home) and I usually don't see "Elk" in Ohio.
I had my camera with me and and I screeched for him to stop and turn around. I had to get a photo. I have a telephoto lens but it's not the best. Here's what I got.
Amazing animals.....I stood for a long time abut could not get him to lift his head.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Butterfly & the Grasshopper......

During the Summer I went out in our backyard for a break. I quickly spied this butterfly. I think it had just hatched out. The colors on this thing were amazing. I don't think I have ever seen one like this before. I chased it around and got several good shots.

Then I spied the grasshopper. Can you see him??

I'll zoom in for you.......

A little more zoom.........and he's easy to see!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Buddy Walk 2010

Buddy walk is held once a year and we try to go but sometimes don't make it every year.
This year it was GREAT!! Perfect weather!!

This year I saw the most people EVER at Buddy Walk!! So exciting to see that.
It warms my soul to know that all those folks care and understand.

Running towards the finish line!!

We took the dog with us this year "Myra". She had a good time.
The medal must have looked better on her??

New friends were made and fun was had by all!!

Fun with daddy!!

See you all next year!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


My boy has been playing soccer. He likes it for a short while and then he's done. He's not much of a go getter. He likes to do practice kicks in to the net. That's his favorite.
He plays with a local team in our area for special needs kids. Our coach's (husband and wife) have a child on the team as well.

It's a great experience to get my boy out there and involved.
They recently took pictures.......... That did not go well. He just wants to see the camera and photos. He's not much for posing and smiling.

He was good for me at first.........but then I got faces like this........

He's always happy to with daddy!!

Team Photo!!

There are lots of folks on the field to help guide the kids. Even my daughter got involved.

Game over...great job team!!