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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Busy Bee........

Busy Bee.............that's me!! I have been so busy with homeschooling, cooking, dishes, grocery shopping, baking, laundry, photography, painting, sweeping, raking, driving, helping, washing, brushing, dressing, making, sorting, hugging, typing, buying, fixing, calling, and answering that I have had NO TIME to blog!!! Imagine that............how selfish of me.
Anyway...........I hope all of you are well and I am sure you are preparing for the upcoming holidays.
May you ALL have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

I was going through some old pictures today and found this one of my daughter. I could not stop laughing........too funny, I had to share it!! She had made this dress out of a paper sack. I guess she was a bit embarrassed and did NOT want me to take her photo???????. ...not sure why the face; but, it makes for a good laugh!!

Then I came across this photo and it almost made me cry(see below). My how time has flown. Not sure where it has gone????????????? BOO HOO
Question:"What in the world do I have on??"

Then I saw this photo of my daughter with her cousin. Too cute!! We had gone to see Suesical the musical and the girls posed by this giant CAT. Love it!

Here's my son with Grandma Kay!! Look how little he was. Now he's almost 10!! My daughter's the size of me now!! She's 12. They are GIANT!!

This holiday season.......remember all your loved ones (and those who've passed).
If your tired of the day and need a break........just get out some old photos and reminisce, it's worth it!!

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