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Monday, May 31, 2010

Aullwood Center visit.....

It was beautiful outside, and it was the last day of school for Carly. We decided to go to Aullwood Center. My kids LOVE this place and we belong/visit often. We looked around inside the center first.

We saw turtles, and a catfish who was swimming VERY fast.

Julian got to play in the sand.

Then he was having a moment with the deer. He gets very serious when he sees this thing, gets real close, and almost hugs it.
Not sure what he is thinking but it's entertaining to watch.

Watch out for flying turkeys.......

Next we saw the BEES!! They have an in door beehive for viewing.
I was glad to see this many. Last time I was there, most of them were dead.
We need you bees, stay strong!!

Julian of course went right for the big birds nest next.
This is one of his favorites at the center.
He'll sit in the nest for a while which gives me a chance to nose around and snap a few more photos.

Look at this building........just beautiful.

And these windows.......I love them!!

Carly found this peacock feather in a discovery drawer.
She wanted me to get a photo of it.

We decided to head outside to see the creek and go for a walk. I thought we might walk first but I guess I was mistaken. They both went right for the water of course!!

Then Julian thought he might lay in the water...wrong!
Big sister put and end to that!

The woods were pretty. We walked a short distance only to see this little bridge(below). Julian of course had to throw a few things off of it.
Leaves, sticks, whatever he could find.

I say........Perfect spot for a photo op!!

Smile Julian!!

We had to check out the flower bench......

Julian, don't get your head stuck!

Just a little bit further down the path......
and we saw another area to wade in the creek.

This area even had a water fall.

They had a lot of fun.......

Last but not least....."the log".
They both love to climb in this log. What kid wouldn't!!

He was wet and tired but not too tired to sit in here!!

We went for ice cream afterwords...........what a fun afternoon and a great start to Summer!!

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