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Monday, September 20, 2010

Falcon........sad ending

A couple weeks ago I was driving my daughter home from school. We turned onto our street only to see this falcon thrashing around on the ground (off the right side of the road in the grass). Well at first we did not know what it was...but this thing was no small bird so it was not something you would miss.
We pulled over to get a closer look, then we realized what it was. Poor thing, it was hurt, but we could not figure out what was wrong with it. At times it seemed in agony and it was hard to watch. It just moved around in one spot and did not really go anywhere.

My son and dog were in the car as my daughter, myself and the neighbor and her son were deciding what to do. The neighbor knew of a nature reserve not far from our homes that helped hurt animals like this. We decided to scoop him or her up and she would take it to the reserve. I quickly drove home to get my camera of course, a large plastic tote (for transportation), and to drop off the dog. After I got back, my neighbor quickly scooped up the bird in this tote. She was very brave. I helped some..............HA

She got the bird to the reserve, but; unfortunately it did not live through the evening. The experts said it probably had internal injuries. The only thing we could figure out is it must have been hit by a car...although we are not sure. Poor thing, it was a beautiful bird........
R.I.P. Mr Falcon

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