So glad you took time out of your day to visit with me and my happenings!

Don't forget to feed the fish below before you start looking & reading!!
Just move your mouse and or click to see what happens.
Have fun!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Lovely photos by my daughter........

My 11 year old daughter has her own camera.
She really LOVES to take photos. We just cleaned off her memory card and to my surprise......we found some really nice photos. Getting her a camera has been one of the best decisions I've ever made.

(Below) She was trying to make "I Spy" pictures........pretty good!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The most patient dog EVER!!!

Photos below are extremely funny. Use the restroom before viewing!!

Today I was asked by my daughter to unload ALL of her photos from her memory card. She has her own camera and LOVES to take photos. We started looking at the photos we were downloading. TOO FUNNY!! This is all I have time to post right now.....but more to come. MYRA is the most patient dog I have EVER seen!!!
In this photo below I was told she had given the dog some almond butter.......
I guess she didn't like it!! Look at that face!!!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Gulf Coast Awareness Poem.....

I decided to post this random poem I found. I know that most of us already know all of this but.......I just wanted to bring one more piece of awareness of what is happening in the gulf coast.
It needs our help....
This poem really depicts the greatness of what we could loose if we don't
"Just care"
What can you do to help rescue this wonderful gift we have been given??
What can you do to help the defenseless animals and fish??
-Give money-Volunteer-Support Gulf Coast Businesses-

Just One Ocean Blue

Hearing the sweet melody
My emotions take me away
As I listen to the sea
And the Ocean underway

Feeling the rippling pool tide
I voice my harmony
I hear the waves that glide
They sing their song to me

Tasting the salty air
There was a whipping breeze
Snapping without a care
And whistling with great ease

Smelling the sandy wetness
Where water meets the Earth
A seemingly relentless
Undercurrent birth

I hear, I feel, I taste, I smell
This great big ocean true
It is an endless waterwell
Where only fish should rule

But, once again the human rules of life
Destroy what it does not see
I can feel this Ocean's strife
Can you not hear it's plea?

This Ocean needs humanity
But what do we do in return?
We kill it with our insanity
And never want to learn

Consume not what you cannot give
Back to this water deep
I know this Ocean wants to live
Breathing beauty for all to keep

Just one Ocean blue, once pure
This water will become a mirage
We leave mother nature with no cure
We pollute her with our garbage

Everyone should seek the path
Of preserving this Ocean we need
She knows a fury full of wrath
Beware mother nature and take heed!

Tammy Ann Rose Snyder

Saturday, July 24, 2010

My therapist.....

Just a bit of Saturday humor.........

We HAD to go for our morning walk.....if not I would get licked and clawed to death!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Lots of butterflies..........

This summer I have seen the most butterflies I think I've ever seen!! Last week I chased a yellow swallow tail butterfly around the yard for an hour or more. It was so beautiful and I could not stop taking pictures of it.
It was REALLY attracted to my tall phlox, which is in full bloom right now.

These photos were all taken in my backyard, with the exception of the one with the red background (it was in my front yard).

This one below is the one I chased for an hour. It was so amazing to watch. I forgot about EVERYTHING....which was nice for a change!!

We have a hummingbird feeder out in front of our house. I have seen one humming bird around the feeder this year, very weird!! The rest of the time I've seen butterflies like this one below. They just sit on the feeder and drink. I have never seen so many around our home in recent years......... I feel like I am living in a butterfly house.

LOVE the colors in this last shot!!

Friday, July 16, 2010


This is "Myra". We adopted her several years ago. She is a lab/hound mix.
We wanted a dog who was kind and patient with our kids. I think we got what we wanted and a little more. I am so glad we choose her, she has brought a lot of joy to our family.
It must have been fate because we were interested in another dog and decided at the last minute to look at her as well. She is very sweet and gentle. She is very needy and ALWAYS happy! Here are a few photos of her that I have taken over the last few years.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Camp was FUN!!!!

My boy got to go to a special needs camp this year. I was so excited that I might have a few hours alone........but when I saw how much fun he was having, it wasn't about me anymore, it was all about him. I was so happy that he got to do something fun!!! I could not wait everyday to see what they did next. He had two great ladies that stayed with him every moment (miss Jenny and miss Sandy).
I think my boy is still having a bit of withdraw from "Camp Chris". We called it this because that was name of the guy who put it all together and ran the camp. He is GREAT!! We love Mr. Chris!
He was even nice enough to let big sister do a few activities!!

What could be more fun than a ball pit, wagons and giant tricycles!!

Big sister loves the big tricycles and my boy loved going for a ride in the wagons.

Too small for him but he doesn't care.....
Even daddy came to visit one morning at camp. That's him helping
in the back of the car.

One morning we saw a lunar/luna moth........pretty cool!!

Big sister got to tie dye a shirt...........she's been wanting to do this forever. It came out great.......mostly dark purple. Way to go big sister!

Porkchop the pony got MANY hairdoos that day!! NICE!!

Here's Mr Chris trying to get my boy to pet porkchop the pony. My boy is NOT a big fan of horses/ponies. Nice try Mr Chris!

AWWW.....love Mr. Chris!!

Even big sister got to ride "Trixie".


Goodbye Camp Chris.........until next year!!